Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thursday, December 3, 2009

We are officially done with being an in-patient! Today was our last day for being admitted to the Day Hospital. We will now continue with our weekly outpatient appointments.

I feel relieved and exhausted at the same time. I think the stress of the entire 10 weeks is catching up with me. I am glad I have the weekend before returning to work on Monday.

This program has been an answer to so many prayers. It is amazing to see Brennen's progress now from when we started the feeding program 10 weeks ago. Here is what Brennen is eating at this point in time: (all items at this point are pureed- unless noted)

*chicken *ham *turkey *hot dog *sweet potatoes *green beans *carrots *mashed potatoes *mixed vegetables *peaches *pears *mixed fruit

Items not pureed:
*applesauce *baby rice cereal *yogurt *plain potato chips *gluten free pretzles *shredded cheddar cheese

Quite a difference from before we started!

It is also amazing that Brennen and I have both remained healthy throughout the entire therapy. Another answer to prayer. Thank you to our family and friends who respected the fact that we needed to be hermits for awhile!

Now that we have completed the daily feeding therapy program, I will probably not be posting everyday as I had been. However, I would like to keep everyone updated on Brennen's progress because I know there have been many people invested in Brennen's therapy as well. I plan on making weekly updates to inform our family and friends on how Brennen is doing with his transition to his typical daily routine.

Thanks again everyone for checking in on Brennen's progress and for your thoughts and prayers during his therapy. We have felt the support and prayers and that has helped to get us through.

Our therapy worked and I am so glad we were able to give Brennen the wings he needed to fly. He is a different boy now from when we started. This is really a new beginning for Brennen and for our family.

I am so excited for him...


  1. Congrats on such a successful program!!!! Look forward to seeing you back at school on Monday. Enjoy your weekend.


  2. I am so happy for you all! Looking forward to seeing you at school on Monday.


  3. Thanks! Looking forward to seeing everyone again!

  4. "Yippee!" Giving thanks right along with you!
    See you Monday!

  5. Congratulations!!! What amazing progress. I hope to read about continued successes and maybe, just maybe his first full table food meal. Good luck and keep us posted when you can.

