Friday, November 20, 2009

Friday, Nov. 20, 2009

It's Friday!! Woo-hoo!!

I am back at the RM House getting things packed up for the weekend. I just picked up my last weekly schedule of meals and activities for the Ronald Mcdonald House for next week.

Next week is filled with meals and special Thanksgiving activities. So very special for the families who are staying here. Lucky for us, our time here is nearly over. Next week is a short week for us..we will be checking out on Wednesday.

I am looking forward to spending time with my family at home this weekend and knowing that this will be our last weekend where we have to hurry back up here on Sunday afternoon. That Sunday is always the hardest!! For the first week of December, we will just drive the two days of therapy.

I began taking my fall decorations down from our room and putting them in a box to go home. As I was placing them in the box, I thought to myself, the next time I get these out, Brennen will be nearly five and I wondered what he would be eating at that time. I am hoping it doesn't involve my processor!!

Brennen had another great day and he is taking a nap back at the Day Hospital. He ate broccoli with cheese today. Little proud of him!

Well, back to packing and loading up the car. Have a good weekend everyone!!


  1. Broccoli and cheese!! How awsome is that! He has come a long way!

  2. He really has! He's done an amazing job. So glad we did this...

  3. Hey there. This is so encouraging to read. I celebrate you with for the progress Brennen has made. How wonderful. Praise God!

    If I don't see you or talk or check back in here, may you have a special Thanksgiving as you enjoy and give give thanks for what God is doing.


  4. Thanks Julie! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!
