Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thursday, Nov. 5, 2009

Today is going very well. I got to feed Brennen this morning for his first 3 meals. He ate pretty good and he was relatively relaxed. They will have me feed at least 3 meals a day and then I can take a break for the other 2 feedings. I felt productive today and that was nice.

I had my parent meeting today and we talked about our plans for the remaining weeks. It is exciting that we are at this point in our therapy where we are looking at the end. Our last week to stay at the Ronald Mcdonald House will be the week of Thanksgiving. We get to check out on Wednesday of that week. For the first week of December, I will just drive the two days of scheduled therapy. Yay!! We also scheduled our outpatient therapy appointments through the month of February because they fill up fast.

It felt like a very productive day.

My Great Uncle Carl gave us a bag filled with some toys for Brennen and Sophia to play with up at the Ronald Mcdonald House. He also gave us some Snap Bracelets to hand out to the kids staying at the RM House. Brennen gave them out to his friends. His friends are Arabic (their mom was who blew Brennen a kiss) and they had never seen those types of bracelets before. They loved them!! Their parents kept asking me (in broken English) how much they were and where they could get more!

Thanks Uncle Carl!! The bracelets were a big hit!!

Have a good night everyone..I will post more tomorrow!

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