I guess you could say Brennen is starting to have the "7-Day Itch" when it comes to his therapy program...
The therapists warned me that this would happen. Kids start off really well and then sort-of figure out that the routine isn't going anywhere and become sick of it. That's kind of where we are right now.
Brennen is still eating okay for the therapists but is beginning to show more of his true colors during meal time. No menu items have changed but he is just tired and beginning to melt down over little things. The pediatrician on staff wanted to look in his ears and Brennen ended up face down on the floor because he didn't want to be messed with.
We recovered from that little tragedy and went to Occupational Therapy today. The therapist noted that Brennen could use some therapy with gross motor movement in terms of muscle control as well as some fine motor therapies. The OT will be an important part of the team in terms of getting Brennen's mouth "ready" for eating. There are some strategies that they can do to help Brennen prepare for the feel of foods in his mouth.
As for me, I am beginning to feel the "itch" too. It is long days of therapy and then waiting for the next therapy and then waiting for the next therapy...etc., etc.
On the plus side, I am quite the queen of word searches. I have yet to find one that I can't handle. In case you were wondering about the "Code Violet" page yesterday, it was a patient who was angry at his therapist because he didn't want to do his therapy. I am guessing he was feeling very "itchy" himself.
On a different note, at the Ronald Mcdonald House last night, there is an Arabic family that is staying there because their son is receiving some sort of treatment. The women of the family wear robes that cover everything but their eyes. One of the women blew Brennen a kiss and told me, "He is beautiful!". Brennen blew her kisses back. It was really sweet. I think that helped him warm up to them a little bit, because when he first saw them, he said, "Mommy, they are kind of scary!".
If nothing else, this experience is teaching him at a very young age, that not everyone dresses or looks like you. He is learning to accept others' differences as who they are.
Everyone I have met while staying there has been really nice. I don't get a whole lot of time to socialize because we basically are in the day hospital all day, and then go to the RM House for supper and sleeping, and that's about it. It helps make the days go fast though.
Tonight is Wednesday and you know what that means?! Tim and Sophia come to visit! ....Ding, ding, ding! My brother, Jeff and his wife, Kristin are coming up too. It is a nice break in the week to see them. I am excited to see my baby girl. I hope she comes to me..she has been kind of funny about doing that up here. She will go to me when I'm at home on the weekends but I think the change of environment throws her. Anyway, we will be excited to see them.
I will post more tomorrow. Have a good evening!