Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thursday, Oct. 1, 2009

Brennen is currently resting right now in-between feedings. His next feeding is at 2:30 then our last feeding is at 4:30. After our 2:30 feeding, he will get to play in the Recreational Therapy room which has basketballs/hoops and other toys that allow for gross motor movement.

He is doing very well with his new routine. We both slept really well last night. I think we were both exhausted.

Because Brennen was eating his 5oz of food at each feeding so smoothly, the feeding team decided to go ahead and bring out the pureed chicken. He was not so crazy about that idea. He began flapping his arms and turning his head in avoidance because the idea of eating chicken is very stressful to him.

The therapists and nurses are wonderful with Brennen. He did eventually eat his 5 bites of pureed chicken. It was not a forced feeding. Brennen did eat his 5 small bites after a lot of prompting. I am just glad that Brennen is consistent. What the therapists and nurses see during feedings is what I see at home. He is the same Brennen no matter who is feeding him. Which is why Brennen does not have a behavioral eating problem; his is more sensory with tastes/textures and you can't turn that off and on depending on who is feeding you.

It is stressful being away from home, but I'm so glad we are here...

p.s. Tim, Sophia, and Grandpa and Grandma Moomaw are coming up to visit tonight. Brennen and I will be excited to see them. :)

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