Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Gluten Free Restaurants & Bakeries

Here is a link to a website that informs its visitors of all of the bakeries and restaurants that offer Gluten-free foods in a particular state. You can click on a state of your choice to find restaurants that offer gluten free foods for that area. This would be very helpful, even while traveling.


p.s. I found a website of a bakery in the Cleveland area that offers homemade gluten-free breads and desserts. Yay!! Once Brennen begins eating more solid foods, we will definitely have to give that a try.


  1. I highly recommend the Rasin Rack in Canton! They have a huge selection of gluten free food....I was in heaven!! Good luck with the rest of the therapy, I'm sure that it is tough.

  2. Diana,
    Thanks for the kind words! We enjoy going to the Raisin Rack as well. He doesn't really eat too much food off the shelf yet, everything right now is pureed, but he does like gluten free pretzels which we have purchased there. Buehler's in Orrville also carries those pretzels.
    Thanks for reading the blog!
