Today is Friday!! Yay!! Good Luck Red Riders!! Pardon the interruption while I take a moment to promote my husband's blog: For more information on Red Rider Sports visit http://www.redridersportsblog.com/
Now back to our regularly scheduled program!! Today seems to be going better for Brennen. It could be the fact that he gets to wear a train costume today, but whatever, we'll take it!! He got to pick out a costume in RT (Recreational Therapy) yesterday and this one was perfect for him. He loves it!! He took a nap with it yesterday and then fell asleep holding it last night too. I think it is going to be hard for him to give it back.
Today the children of the hospital get to participate in a "Halloween Parade". They will visit different areas within the hospital. No candy is given out; instead they pass out fun little trinkets like spider rings, pencils, etc.
He is excited about participating in the parade. He looks so cute in his costume!! It is nice that they can give the kids a break like that and let them participate in something fun. To avoid all of the children being exposed to one another, they are keeping the groups small; to try and protect against illnesses.
Well, have a good day everyone!
Trick-or-Treat and a Happy Weekend to you!!
He looks so cute in the costume! I'm glad you got a break yesterday. You guys are doing great! Keep taking those breaks when you get a chance.