Friday, October 9, 2009

Friday, Oct. 9, 2009

TGIF!! It's been a long week and I am so ready to come home. We are going to go shopping tonight. I get to feel like a real person and go out shopping! The kids could use some winter coats, now that it is starting to feel like winter temperatures in the morning. Especially here in Cleveland. Brrr!

The past 2 days, the head nurse has asked me if Brennen has been exposed to anyone with the flu or has exhibited flu-like symptoms. They are very strict when it comes to this. There is a new policy that if Brennen or any other child in the program, shows symptoms of the flu then that child won't be allowed to participate in the program. This means that if Brennen gets sick, our 10-week timeline gets pushed back. We can't afford to do that!!

Please be in prayer for Brennen and myself that we would remain healthy so there is no disruption in our therapy. As much as I want to see everyone on the weekends when we come home, we may have to limit interactions. No matter how careful we try to be in limiting exposure to groups of people, we may still get sick, but I am afraid to risk it!

I am worried about bringing Brennen to church too. I hate to miss church for our entire therapy, but I don't know what to do. I know I can't keep him in a bubble but I just really don't want him to get sick.

"Why must there always be a problem?!" (quoting George from Seinfeld)

Well, have a good HEALTHY weekend everybody! We will try and do the same!

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